"CHAPTER 2, pg.06"



Oh gee, I wonder what this button does?

Back to the normal site layout!

Sorry for the delay in update, I'm about a half hour late with this page, coding took me a tad bit, especially trying to resolve the previous page!

As always, my pages get uploaded first on Patreon ahead of time, so if you want them earlier than I post them here, please consider pledging (oh man I sound like such a shill)

Thank you so much for all the support, I recently hit 17,000 followers on twitter! Not quite 17,000 readers, I honestly have no clue how many people read my webcomic since I don't track user data, but I hope those of you that do enjoy what I put out!

As of now with my Patrons, BCCR is now fully self sustaining and I'm no longer losing money every month to keep the site up! Thank you to all 8 of my patreons, and everyone who shares my comic! This makes running this comic much easier. I hope to one day do this full time!

Also be sure to check me out on twitter @GENC____ for more updates to come, and general updates!

See you on Saturday, adios amigos!